Thursday, October 16, 2008


Out of our same mouths, come blessings and curses. Although we praise the Creator for the blessings we receive each day , at the same time we intentionally say demeaning words to our neighbors or people we meet daily. Our words are too many that we make mistakes and continue sinning through the words that we utter. Too many words, too many mistakes, too many mistakes, too many sins, and we must feel sorry for them and should try not to do them again.

It takes time for the seed to grow and become a plant or a tree and bear fruits. It takes time for the farmer to harvest the fruits of his labor. Everything takes time before the fruits reach us to satisfy our needs. But we are always thankful though our daily needs are wanting, the Creator has never failed us our daily physical food. Through this blog, I thank the Almighty Father for the land He has given us and for all the sustenance. To Him be the glory!

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