Friday, October 31, 2008

Stress management

As an accountant, I normally meet deadlines for tax payments and monthly reports. When clients call me about internal tax problems , my heart beats fast and taking anti-hypertensive drugs or betablockers calm me down. Reading books about how to control these feelings is a great advantage. A big help..... so I want to share these stress-management strategies with you:

l. Relaxation - these include:

taking regular work breaks.....going on vacations.... enjoying hobbies.... doing breathing exercise... writing in a journal.... watching film comedies........ enjoying pets..... talking to friends................ praying or meditating.....soaking in a warm, scented bath..... visiting a SPA or beauty salon...

2. For balance and perspective - accept that you can change only your behavior, not that of others...... accept that you cannot have everything you want..... recognize what really matters. forgive yourself and others..... try to see stressful situations as opportunities..... learn to say no..... reject perfectionism....... resist negative thinking...... don't magnify or belittle problems.... accept the inevitable, meaning "accept the things you can no longer change".

3. Relationships - other people can reduce or bring on stress. Nurture intimate relationships. Improve your communication skills. Recognize other people's feelings and separate them from your own. Deal with relationship problems. Keep in touch with friends. Offer encouragement and support to those around you.
- Reader's Digest, Curing Everyday ailments the
natural way, 2000

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