Saturday, October 11, 2008


How many of these feelings can you recall experiencing in the past week? How many have you expressed directly in words in the past week? How many have you felt but not expressed?

l. "I feel very angry."
2.. I'm annoyed."
3. "I'm bored."
4. "I'm excited!"
5. "I'm simply delighted."
6."I'm happy right now."
7. "I feel content."
8. "I feel so relaxed."
9. "I'm upset."

Try sharing these feelings with the people closest to you. Don't expect to guess at anyone else's feelings, and don't make anyone else guess at yours. Within a personal relationship, important feelings simply must be expressed. For maximum peace of mind, improved relationships, and better physical and psychological health, your goal should be to express yourself openly and directly - unless for some reason it is not appropriate or desirable to do so.

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